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When you least expect it

Leigh, my husband of 13 years and friend of 18 years, lifts me up all the time. He compliments my parenting. He encourages me. He stands beside and behind me. He supports my blog and book writing. He helps me find ME things to do like writers' group. It was cute, though, when he used to think that grocery shopping alone was "me time".

Last night, after my own meltdown about Will and his needs, Leigh told me that for our date night tonight, we would go to a place of my choosing. He'd wanted to try a new burger joint, but decided to change and let me choose. Date night usually just the two of us on the couch watching TV after kicking out the big girls. We don't have the money to go out. We have been saving up, though. And can finally enjoy a dinner for two while paying our live in babysitters $5 per hour to watch over the house, dog, and sleeping angels.

Today, he asked if I wanted a spa day for Christmas. While the thought is lovely, I don't want to spend the day being touched by people I don't know! A quick trip to the chiro is plenty, thank you. But, he is genuinely asking what I want for Christmas. I admit, I am not easy to buy for! I don't have a lot of wants or needs. But I do have charm bracelets. I keep special rememberances on them of our lives together. I have a charm for each child already, but it is only their birth stone. I want something for each that symbolizes them a bit more. Now, his challenge is to figure out what that is and where to get it! Kay has apparently discontinued their charmed memories line from 12 years ago. I have no doubt he will find something wonderful, though.

He is always there. He is always loving. Then, he ups the anty and does things like this. He moves aside and defers to me. Our lives are not glamorous or easy. But they are ours to share. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

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